Random media, phase transitions
and information theory
September 8th – 19th, 2008
Institut Henri Poincaré, Centre Émile Borel
11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France
This fall school will open the semester
Interacting Particle Systems, Statistical Mechanics and Probability Theory,
at IHP, to offer its
participants a common basis of knwoledge.
The school will introduce to the 4 themes of the semester, that is:
1) Large time behavior of interacting particle systems; 2) Large deviations; 3) Phase transitions; 4) Disordered systems.
Organizing Committee
Roberto Fernández (Université de Rouen), Pablo Ferrari (Universidade de São Paulo), Fabio Martinelli (Università di Roma 3), Pierre Picco (CNRS, LATP, Marseille), Ellen Saada (CNRS, LMRS, Rouen).
Advisory Committee
Jean Bertoin (Paris), Erwin Bolthausen (Zürich), Geoffrey Grimmett (Cambridge), Frank den Hollander (Leiden), Michel Ledoux (Toulouse), Thomas Liggett (Los Angeles), Servet Martinez (Santiago), Andrea Montanari (Stanford), Errico Presutti (Rome), Herbert Spohn (Münich), Senya Shlosman (Marseille), Bálint Tóth (Budapest).
The school will consist in 5 mini-courses (from 4 to 6 hours each) in the mornings, and in talks of 45 mn during 2 hours in the afternoons, from 15h30 (to enable informal discussions in the beginning of afternoons). The shool will include a poster session. Wednesdays afternoons will be free.
Mini courses by: Erwin Bolthausen (Zürich), Aernout van Enter (Groningen), Olle Häggström (Göteborg), Servet Martinez (Santiago), Andrea Montanari (Stanford).
[Lecture notes by E. Bolthausen], [Lecture notes by A. Montanari]
Talks by: Enrique Andjel (Marseille), Amine Asselah (Paris), Christophe Bahadoran (Clermont-Ferrand), Raffaele Esposito (L'Aquila), Antonio Galves (São Paulo), Thierry Gobron (Cergy), Dima Ioffe (Haifa), Vlada Limic (Marseille), Kirone Mallick (Saclay), Rossana Marra (Roma), Pierre Mathieu (Marseille), Eugene Pechersky (Moscou), Christian Robert (Paris), Rinaldo Schinazi (Colorado Springs), Gordon Slade (Vancouver), Yvan Velenik (Genève).
Posters by: Paul Chleboun (Warwick), Alexsandro Gallo (São Paulo), Pablo Martin Rodriguez (São Paulo).

This page is maintained by
Ellen Saada. Thank you for reporting any problem in reading it.
Last update : December 18, 2008.