Statistical Mechanics
December 8th – 12th, 2008
Institut Henri Poincaré, Centre Émile Borel
11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris, France
This will be the third workshop of the semester Interacting Particle Systems, Statistical Mechanics and Probability Theory, at IHP.
The workshop will consist on 22 conferences of 50 mn given by experts on the area and informal discussions around open problems. It will include a poster session.
Organizing Committee
Advisory Committee
Amir Dembo (Stanford), Giambattista Giacomin (Paris), Francesco Guerra (Roma), Gianni Jona Lasinio (Roma), Joel Lebowitz (Rutgers), Marc Mézard (Paris), Senya Shlosman (Marseille), Alistair Sinclair (Berkeley), Wendelin Werner (Orsay).
Themes: Random Combinatorial Problems, Phase Transitions in Satisfiability and Reconstruction Problems, Polymers and Random Walks in Random Environment, Dynamical Phase Transitions, Spin Glass Theory, Large Deviations and Variational Problems, Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Mathematical Problems in Information Theory and Graphical Models, Scaling Limits and SLE.
Talks by: Vincent Beffara (Lyon), Matthias Birkner (Berlin), Jean-Philippe Bouchaud (Saclay), Federico Camia (Amsterdam), Amir Dembo (Stanford), Luiz Renato Fontes (São Paulo), Christophe Garban (Paris), Véronique Gayrard (Marseille), Thierry Gobron (Cergy), Francesco Guerra (Roma), Dima Ioffe (Haifa), Gianni Jona Lasinio (Roma), Roman Kotecký (Warwick), Marc Mézard (Orsay), Ralf Müller (Trondheim), Charles-Edouard Pfister (Lausanne), Federico Ricci-Tersenghi (Roma), Guilhem Semerjian (Paris), Alan Sokal (New York), Alain Sol Sznitman (Zürich), Fabio Lucio Toninelli (Lyon), Riccardo Zecchina (Trieste).
Posters by: Dawid Borycki (Torun), Fiammetta Cerreti (Rome), Anton Klimovsky (Erlangen), Marco Ribezzi Crivellari (Rome).

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Last update : December 18, 2008.